Friday, January 31, 2020
Kasus Jiwasraya, Bentjok: Kenapa yang Lain Tak Ditangkap? - CNBC Indonesia
Kasus Jiwasraya, Bentjok: Kenapa yang Lain Tak Ditangkap? - CNBC Indonesia
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Apple temporarily shuts all stores and offices in mainland China

A woman using a smartphone walks past an Apple store in Shanghai, China, May 9, 2019.
Qilai Shen | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Apple has temporarily shut down all its stores in mainland China through Feb. 9, the company said on Saturday.
The tech giant said in a statement on Saturday: "Our thoughts are with the people most immediately affected by the Coronavirus and with those working around the clock to study and contain it."
"Out of an abundance of caution and based on the latest advice from leading health experts, we're closing all our corporate offices, stores and contact centers in mainland China through February 9," it said.
Apple's online store in China will stay open, according to the statement.
It added that it will continue to monitor the situation, and re-open its stores "as soon as possible."
— CNBC's Eunice Yoon contributed to this report.
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Tolak Dikambinghitamkan, Benny Tjokro Ungkap Modus Jiwasraya - CNBC Indonesia
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Coronavirus live updates: China says death toll hits 259, confirmed cases rise to 11,791

This is a live blog. Please check back for updates.
All times below in Beijing time.
9:30 am: Beijing city told companies to work remotely till Feb. 10
Beijing announced that companies in the city will have to find ways to work remotely till Feb. 10 to stem the coronavirus outbreak — except essential industries, according to state media Beijing Daily.
Other provinces and cities have delayed the start of work. Hubei authorities have announced that businesses are not to resume work till midnight on Feb. 13. Shanghai, hongqing, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Suzhou, Inner Mongolia and Zhejiang told businesses not to resume work till midnight on Feb. 9.
7:20 am China reports 46 new deaths
China's National Health Commission said there have been an additional 46 deaths and 2,102 new confirmed cases, as of the end of Friday. That brings the country's total to 259 deaths and 11,791 confirmed cases, the government said.
Hubei Province's local health commission reported 45 new deaths from the outbreak on Friday, bringing the total to 249. The province confirmed 1,347 new cases of infection on Friday, with the total reaching 7,153 by the end of the day.
All times below in Eastern time.
3:50 pm: Trump issues mandatory quarantine, denies foreign nationals entry
The Trump administration is issuing a mandatory quarantine for U.S. citizens who've visited Hubei province in the last 14 days and denying entry to foreign nationals who "pose a risk of transmitting" the virus in the U.S., administration officials said in declaring the coronavirus a public health emergency. "Any US citizen returning to the United States who has been in the Hubei province in the previous 14 days will be subject to up to 14 days of mandatory quarantine to ensure they're provided proper medical care and health screening," Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said.
10:30 am: Sweden confirms first case
Sweden's Public Health Agency said a woman tested positive for coronavirus and was being kept isolated at a hospital in southern Sweden, the country's first confirmed case. The woman visited Wuhan and experienced symptoms after her return to Sweden, the agency said.
10:15 am: Delta, American will suspend all China flights starting Feb. 6
Delta Air Lines and American Airlines are planning to suspend their already reduced service to China as the rapid spread of coronavirus hurts demand to the country for airlines around the world. Delta said its China service suspension will begin Feb. 6 and last through April 30, but it will continue to operate the service until then to "ensure customers looking to exit China have options to do so." Dozens of carriers including United, Cathay Pacific, British Airways and others have slashed or suspended service to China because of the outbreak. Delta was the first in the U.S. to suspend service altogether.
10 am: Italy declares coronavirus emergency
Italy declared a six-month state of emergency after two Chinese tourists in the country tested positive for the coronavirus in the first cases detected in the country. The move will enable authorities to make rapid decisions if needed. Italy has already banned all flights to and from China. The two patients came from Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus, and fell ill during their trip to Italy.
6:50 am: Singapore, Mongolia ban Chinese travelers
Singapore's health ministry banned entry to all Chinese visitors and foreigners with a recent history of travel to China. The move, which effectively shuts out the island's largest group of visitors, takes effect Saturday. It is the first Southeast Asian country to implement a travel ban for China travelers to contain the outbreak. The announcement came after the U.S. State Department raised its travel advisory on Thursday for China from Level 3 to Level 4. Mongolia also said it's closing all ports of entry to and from China, giving citizens until Feb. 6 to get home.
For more of CNBC's coverage on the coronavirus, read the overnight blog from CNBC's U.S. team.
— CNBC's William Feuer and Berkeley Lovelace Jr. contributed to this report.
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Borok Jiwasraya Terbuka, 'Cacat' BUMN Satu per Satu Terungkap - CNBC Indonesia
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Thursday, January 30, 2020
Virus Corona, Anak Usaha BUMN Ini Ekspor Masker ke China Senilai Rp 1,2 Miliar - -
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Two key Republican senators reveal how they'll vote on Trump impeachment witnesses

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.
Scott J. Ferrell | Congressional Quarterly | Getty Images
WASHINGTON — Two key Republican senators announced their positions on the inclusion of additional witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.
Retiring Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee said he would vote against any proposals for further witnesses. In a statement, Alexander surprisingly appeared to say he believed the Democrats had proven their case, but that the president's actions did not meet the standard for an impeachable offense.
"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation," Alexander said in his statement. "When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law. But the Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year's ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate."
"There is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven, and that does not meet the United States Constitution's high bar for an impeachable offense," Alexander wrote.
Alexander's Republican colleague, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine broke the other way, announcing late Thursday night that she will vote to admit additional evidence in the trial.
"We have heard the cases argued and the questions answered ... I believe hearing from certain witnesses would give each side the opportunity to more fully and fairly make their case, resolve any ambiguities, and provide additional clarity. Therefore, I will vote in support of the motion to allow witnesses and documents to be subpoenaed," Collins said in a statement.
On balance, Alexander's no vote may have dealt a mortal blow to Democrats' hopes of calling more witnesses in Trump's trial, chief among them, former National Security Advisor John Bolton.
That vote, which is expected to occur Friday, marks a pivotal moment in the impeachment proceedings that have dogged Trump for months. On Wednesday, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, signaled that he would vote with the Democrats.
With Collins and Romney both yesses, and Alexander a no, it remained unclear late Thursday whether Democrats would be able to convince the minimum of four GOP senators required to approve the new witnesses and documents.
Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski has yet to say how she plans to vote. And until the vote happens, there remains a longshot possibility that other Republicans might surprise their colleagues and break with their party and vote with the Democrats.
If Democrats can convince four senators to join them in supporting witnesses, the trial could proceed for weeks or months longer as new battles arise over testimony from key witnesses, such as Bolton and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
But if the GOP-majority chamber votes not to allow that new content, then the trial could quickly proceed to a final vote on whether to acquit Trump or remove him from office — possibly as soon as next week, when the president is set to deliver his State of the Union Address.
The House voted to impeach Trump last month on articles of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Democrats accuse Trump of withholding nearly $400 million in congressionally appropriated military aid to Ukraine while pressuring the country to announce probes into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, as well as a debunked conspiracy theory about 2016 election interference.
House Democrats and defense lawyers made final arguments Thursday for more than nine hours on the eve of Friday's crucial vote on additional evidence and witnesses.
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State Department issues 'do not travel' advisory for China, asks those in the country to consider leaving

Two women wearing protective masks walk outside Beijing railway station in Beijing on January 22, 2020.
Nicolas Asrouri | AFP | Getty Images
The U.S. State Department raised its travel advisory for China from Level 3 to Level 4, citing the coronavirus outbreak in that country.
"Do not travel to China due to novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China," the department said in its notice about the Level 4 advisory.
"Those currently in China should consider departing using commercial means," it said in an online statement.
The new warning comes after the WHO on Thursday declared the outbreak a global health emergency. That rare designation helps the international agency mobilize financial and political support to contain the outbreak.
On Thursday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also confirmed the nation's first human-to-human transmission of the virus. Illinois health officials said in a CDC press briefing that the new patient is the spouse of a Chicago woman who brought the infection back from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak.
On Friday morning Beijing time, China's National Health Commission said the virus has killed 213 people as the number of cases rose to 9,692.
The State Department only flags a handful of countries as Level 4, its highest level "due to greater likelihood of life-threatening risks." Around the time of its new designation for China, the State Department had already marked the following as Level 4:
- Iraq
- Iran
- Mali
- Central African Republic
- Venezuela
- Yemen
- South Sudan
- Burkina Faso
- Syria
- Somalia
- Afghanistan
- North Korea
- Libya
To see the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak, visit CNBC's live blog.
— CNBC's Weizhen Tan, Berkeley Lovelace Jr. and William Feuer contributed to this report.
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Coronavirus live updates: China says death toll hits 213, confirmed cases rise to 9,692

This is a live blog. Please check back for updates.
All times below in Beijing time.
8 am: China says death toll hits 213, cases rise to 9,692
China's National Health Commission said there have been an additional 43 deaths and 1,982 new confirmed cases, as of the end of Thursday. That brings the country's total to 213 deaths and 9,692 confirmed cases, the government said.
All times below in Eastern time.
5:35 pm: Hubei province reports 42 additional deaths
12:37 pm: First human-to-human transmission of coronavirus confirmed in US
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Illinois public health officials confirmed Thursday the nation's first person-to-person transmission of the coronavirus. The new patient is the spouse of the Chicago woman who brought the infection back from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak, Illinois health officials said during a CDC press briefing. The transmission makes the U.S. at least the fifth country where the infection is now spreading through human-to-human contact.
2:43 pm: WHO declares global health emergency
The World Health Organization said the fast-spreading coronavirus that's infected more than 8,200 across the world is a global health emergency — a rare designation that helps the international agency mobilize financial and political support to contain the outbreak.
For more of CNBC's coverage on the coronavirus, read the overnight blog from CNBC's U.S. team.
— CNBC's Berkeley Lovelace Jr. and William Feuer contributed to this report.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
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Elon Musk says Tesla won't raise capital, will focus on lowering cost of batteries

Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk attends an opening ceremony for Tesla China-made Model Y program in Shanghai, China January 7, 2020.
Aly Song | Reuters
Tesla shares extended their rally on Wednesday, rising more than 11% after market hours following better-than-expected results for the last quarter of 2019.
On an earnings call to discuss the Q4 report, retail and institutional investors asked CEO Elon Musk if it may not be a perfect time to raise more capital. They suggested Tesla could raise easily at favorable rates now, either to pay down its debts, or to accelerate the company's progress on new products and factories.
Musk, whose sentiments were echoed by CFO Zachary Kirkhorn and Tesla's Automotive President Jerome Guillen on the call, said Tesla has no intention to raise more capital at this time, or possibly ever again.
The Tesla CEO said, "We're spending money as quickly as we can spend it sensibly."
He emphasized, "We are not artificially limiting our progress. Despite all that we are still generating positive cash. In light of that, it doesn't make sense to raise money because we expect to generate cash despite this growth level."
Musk has a lot of big expenses ahead. Tesla has promised to build and start vehicle production at a factory near Berlin by the end of 2021. It is still building out its factory in Shanghai, and supply chains in China. And it has promised customers and investors "feature-complete" self-driving technology and a new Plaid powertrain this year, while mproved battery tech, an all-electric Semi truck, a next-generation Roadster and Cybertruck are also on the horizon.
Loup Ventures' Gene Munster, who is bullish Tesla, asked Musk to speak to how much it may cost Tesla to produce Cybertrucks, and how many the CEO thinks his company could make.
Musk responded, "We don't comment on those detailed numbers. The demand is far more than we can reasonably make in the span of 3-4 years." Instead, he said, Tesla will be focusing on increasing battery production capacity and lowering the cost of battery production.
Musk said, "If you don't improve that, you end up shifting unit volume from one part to another and you haven't actually produced more electric vehicles. That's one reason we have not accelerated production of the Tesla Semi. Because it does use a lot of cells. Unless we have got those cells available, then accelerating production of the Semi would mean making fewer Model 3 or other cars."
Tesla plans to hold a Battery Day presentation for investors, most likely in April, Musk said.
Musk also declined to give details about planned capital expenditures for 2020, and how pricing on Tesla vehicles may change as the company begins producing and selling more of them outside of the U.S.
He said, "We're trying to make the cars as affordable as possible, as fast as possible, while still being a little bit profitable and growing the company like crazy and having good free cash flow and accumulating a cash balance."
While Tesla reported two consecutive quarters of profit in 2019, it has yet to sustain profitability for a full year. The company lost $862 million in 2019 (on a GAAP basis), an improvement from its loss of $976 million in 2018.
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קרא עוד
Facebook's new metrics show it's still a one-trick pony

Mark Zuckerberg testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill April 11, 2018.
Chip Somodevilla | Getty Images
Facebook on Wednesday reported its fourth-quarter earnings with a new metric that showed that the company still relies almost entirely on its core app to generate revenue.
For the first time ever, Facebook disclosed the average revenue per user across its monthly user base for its so-called family of apps, which includes users of the core Facebook app as well as Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.
The new metric did not help the company's case with investors. The company's stock price fell more than 7% in after-hours trading, as investors digested a big increase in expenses in 2019.
Average revenue per person for the whole family of apps came in at $7.38 per user, while ARPU for the core Facebook app was $8.52 for the quarter. The company said that an average of 2.89 billion people used the family of apps each month, while an average of 2.50 billion used the Facebook app.
The more than $1 ARPU difference between the family of apps and the core app highlights what many already suspected: the company's original Facebook product -- sometimes called the "big blue app" -- is the main thing keeping the lights on.
If the rest of the Facebook family members were contributing meaningfully to the top line, the family of apps ARPU would be greater, not less, than its core app ARPU.
The new family of apps ARPU metric will be a key figure for investors to keep an eye on, but the revelation is hardly surprising.
Each quarter, Facebook also breaks out how much of its revenue comes from advertising versus "other," and each quarter, advertising typically accounts for more than 98% of revenue, if not more.
Facebook has experimented with a number of ways that its other apps can contribute to revenue, but so far, it hasn't had much success. Although there is a thriving advertising ecosystem on Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp have accomplished little.
The company added its Stories features to the two messaging apps. On Messenger at least, there are ads in Stories, but it's unclear just how often people are opening that feature and looking at the ads. On WhatsApp, the company is focused on building features so businesses can communicate with users, but those efforts are still developing. The company had talked about adding ads to WhatsApp, but it recently abandoned those efforts, according to a January Wall Street Journal report.
As for Facebook's Oculus and Portal devices, the hardware products are not even counted among the company's family of apps metrics, and Facebook has never shared sales figures for either, giving little confidence that those efforts will contribute meaningfully anytime soon.
Core Facebook grows each and every quarter, but it's time for the company's other family members to start earning their keep.
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Coronavirus live updates: China says death toll rises to 170 as cases rise beyond 7,700

This is a live blog. Please check back for updates.
All times below in Beijing time.
7:50 am: Chinese officials confirm death toll rises to 170
China's National Health Commission confirmed an additional 38 deaths and 1,737 new cases. Officials said that brings their total to 170 deaths and 7,711 cases, as of the end of Wednesday. They also said 170 people had been cured and discharged. The NHC said the new cases announced Thursday include the first one confirmed in Tibet.
6:35 am: Health officials report 37 additional deaths, 1,032 cases in Hubei province
Early Thursday, health officials confirmed an additional 37 deaths and 1,032 cases in Hubei province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Through the end of Wednesday, Hubei authorities said they confirmed a total of 4,586 cases, 162 deaths and 90 cured people so far in this outbreak.
6:01 am: Peter Navarro says the US will keep tariffs on China even if the outbreak starts hurting growth
White House trade advisor Peter Navarro pushed back against the idea that the U.S. would remove tariffs on Chinese imports if the outbreak begins to weigh on China's economy. He told "Closing Bell," "That's a spin that's coming right out of Wall Street." Navarro made those comments in response to CNBC's Carl Quintanilla who asked whether a tariff rollback was on the table if China honored the terms of the "phase one" trade deal but started to see its economy hurt by the coronavirus.
5:52 am: Companies announce temporary shutdowns and other plans amid outbreak
3:56 am: Powell says Fed is 'monitoring' coronavirus, but won't speculate on economic impact
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the U.S. central bank is keeping a close watch on the outbreak.
"It's a very serious issue and I want to start by acknowledging the significant and considerable human suffering that the virus is already causing," he told reporters at a press conference, adding that it's too early to speculate on how it might impact the global economy. "There is likely to be some disruption to activity in China and possibly globally based on the spread of the virus to date and the travel restrictions and business closures that have already been imposed."
Read CNBC's coverage from the U.S. overnight: Outbreak is 'grave concern' as infections spread beyond China
— CNBC's Riya Bhattacharjee, Berkeley Lovelace Jr. and William Feuer contributed to this report.
Correction: This story has been updated to reflect that at about 7:50 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday, China's National Health Commission reported that the death toll rose to 170.
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