
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Active shooter drill at Walter Reed military hospital sparks fear and confusion

WASHINGTON — Alerts about an active shooter at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland caused patients and a U.S. congressman to fear the worst on Tuesday, but the Pentagon said they were part of an "exercise."

Lt. Col. Audricia Harris, a Pentagon spokesperson, told CNBC on Tuesday that the reports of an active shooter were part of a drill. The U.S. Navy later tweeted that it was an "ad hoc drill."

"CONFIRMED: No active shooter at Naval Support Activity Bethesda," the Navy said in the post. "Was ad hoc drill by tenant command."

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md., was one of the individuals holed up in the hospital after alerts were sent out. In a post on Twitter, he wrote that he was safe and in a conference room with around 40 other people.

Half an hour after the initial tweet, another message apparently posted by his staff said that the congressman remained in a back room at the hospital, where the mood was calm.

"Has not been given any additional details but does not believe this to be a drill," the message said.

Jaime Lennon, Ruppersberg's communications director, said "if it was a drill, it would be a surprise to congressman Ruppersberger."

Later, a tweet from Walter Reed described the situation as a "Code White."

Here's how the hospital's core competency guidelines describe a Code White drill:

What can I expect to occur during a Code White Drill?

  • Any Code White Drill will begin with a Public Address System announcement of "Exercise, Exercise, Exercise; This drill pertains only to the "whatever" Building; Code White, Active Shooter, Shelterin-Place; The "whatever" Building is secured to all other traffic at this time; Exercise, Exercise, Exercise." A postmaster will also be released.
  • Any exercise will take place only in the announced building. All other buildings will continue normal business operation. Staff, patients, and visitors will be able to enter and exit the hospital and base freely during this exercise.
  • Every effort is being made to ensure there is no interruption in patient care.
  • All staff in the whatever building is being tested that are not actively engaged in patient treatment will shelter in place. Staff will direct patients and visitors to shelter-in-place.

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